News & Events OneFlorida+ Clinical Research Network

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In Memoriam: Shirley Bloodworth

Category: News

Shirley was employed as a Community Scientist since 2015 and provided health care advice for several entities at the University of Florida.

Shirley Bloodworth

Brain Health

Using artificial intelligence and patient medical records to predict Alzheimer’s disease

Using data in electronic health records, University of Florida researchers have designed an artificial intelligence system that can predict which patients will develop Alzheimer’s disease up to five years before receiving a diagnosis.

Illustration of scientist peering into a person's brain


Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute

Because we work closely with the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI), we celebrate a decade of research powered by PCORnet, which has trailblazed new models for patient engagement across the clinical research ecosystem. Select the button to visit the PCORnet Timeline.