Prep-to-Research Data Query

The Prep-to-Research Data Query application is intended for cohort discovery and for descriptive analyses that feature aggregate patient counts, patient sociodemographic and health characteristics, and healthcare practice demographics and attributes. For patient-level data, you must apply for research infrastructure utilization. You can also download a sample Prep-to-Research Data Query to make sure your submission appropriately addresses all fields.

Visit our Funding Citations page to make sure you appropriately cite the OneFlorida+ network and its associated funding agencies in your grant application.

Please log into the OneFlorida+ Application Portal to begin or complete your query.

Next Steps

  1. You will receive an email confirmation of your submission.
  2. The OneFlorida+ Front Door team will review your Prep-to-Research Submission. Approved queries will be run within 4 weeks. The OneFlorida+ team may reach out for additional information in order to run the query.
  3. You will receive the aggregate counts for the requested data by email.