Infectious Disease Data

Last Updated: August 01, 2023

OneFlorida+ recognizes that patients receive their healthcare in multiple locations and that claims and EHR data are not naturally linked. Therefore, we work with our partners to a link each person’s records from multiple health systems and claims to each other. We carry out this work in a way that maintains the privacy of the individual. Patient names, addresses, phone numbers, and so on are not shared among partners. For individual studies, data queries can be highly tailored, and the consortium is enhancing the Data Trust with data elements beyond the PCORnet CDM.


Individuals with MRSA diagnosis codes (01/01/12 – 09/30/20)


Gender Number
Male 38,123
Female 41,364


RAce Number
American Indian or Alaskan Native 196
Asian Pacific Islander 530
Black 16,866
White 49,207
Other 9,069
Unknown 3,612


Condition number
Methicillin Resistant Pneumonia due to Staphylococcus aureus 18,909
Toxic Shock Syndrome 29
Cellulitis 49,576
Sepsis 26,597
Other Postoperative Infection 7,369
Other Complications of Obstetrical Surgical Wounds 300
Septicemia of Newborn 242

Vancomycin-resistant Enterococci (VRE)

Individuals with VRE diagnosis codes (01/01/12 – 09/30/20)


Gender Number
Male 4,667
Female 5,832


Race Number
American Indian or Alaskan Native 21
Asian Pacific Islander 113
Black 2,576
White 6,589
Other 868
Unknown 331

Secondary Conditions Resulting from VRE Infection

Condition Number
Bacteremia 8,546
Acute and Subacute Infective Endocarditis 1,641
Streptococcal Meningitis 1,026
Sepsis 16,951
Urinary Tract Infection 34,413

Secondary Conditions and VRE

Condition Number
Bacteremia 1,040
Acute and Subacute Infective Endocarditis 150
Streptococcal Meningitis 2
Sepsis 1,230
Urinary Tract Infection 2,940

Secondary condition matched to VRE codes by patid and encounterid