
The Data Trust

The OneFlorida+ Data Trust’s repository of healthcare data is regularly updated with the inclusion of new partners and data refreshes from existing partners. All data is cleaned, transformed, curated and contained in this centralized data warehouse, allowing streamlined inquiries and uniform results. The Data Trust is accessible to investigators by contacting the OneFlorida+ Coordinating Center. Legal agreements for data use and use of a centralized IRB have already been negotiated with all partners, reducing paperwork and administrative burden.

Data Trust diagram depicting the process of requesting data access.

The Data Trust contains claims and encounter data for Floridians enrolled in Medicaid, and robust patient-level electronic health record data from other public and private health care systems that are network partners.

Data include diagnoses, procedures, medications, patient demographics, unique patient codes for re-identification by network partners and other data elements in the PCORnet Common Data Model (CDM). For individual studies, data queries can be highly tailored, and OneFlorida+ is enhancing the Data Trust with data elements beyond the PCORnet CDM.

To view the contents of the Data Trust, including encounter data, patient counts, health conditions and exposome data on the natural, built and social environments, visit our Data page.

The one florida plus logo surrounded by states participating in the data trust, including florida, alabama, georgia, california, arkansas, and minnesota

The Clinical Research Network

The Data Trust complements OneFlorida+’s Clinical Research Network (CRN), which allows researchers to conduct pragmatic clinical trials and other interventional studies in OneFlorida+’s research-ready clinics. Research is conducted in real-world settings to promote the uptake and sustainability of evidence-based health care practices.

The network is managed by OneFlorida+’s Front Door Team, which coordinates a variety of research supports designed to create an efficient and streamlined process for practice and patient recruitment, data collection and assessment of patient outcomes.

Intervention sites include academic health care centers and affiliated clinics, private health systems and clinics, public health care systems and clinics, community health centers, and physician-owned practices.

Site IRB and Clinical Trial Data

Average time and range from IRB submission to approval 21 days
Able to use central IRB Yes
Number of active clinical trials over the last two years 26
Number enrolled in clinical trials over the last two years 563