“All of Us” Kicks Off Community Campaign

The All of Us Research Journey made its way to Gainesville on Sept. 21-22 to help kick off the area’s community enrollment campaign for the All of Us research program. The UF coordinating center will enroll more than 4,000 participants per year for the next five years as part of the program’s regional SouthEast Enrollment Center (SEEC), led by the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. UF will also serve as the data coordinating center for SEEC.

In a CBS4 feature, David R. Nelson, M.D., UF-CTSI director and interim senior vice president for health affairs at UF and president of UF Health, Betsy Shenkman, Ph.D., CTSI co-director and member of the OneFlorida Executive and Steering committees, and William Hogan, MD, director of biomedical informatics for the OneFlorida Data Trust, discussed the importance of the All of Us research program,  a national research initiative conducted by the NIH to improve precision medicine by gathering health data over time from more than 1 million people in the United States.

Find out more about All of Us here.