Obesity Report Card

Full TItle: The OneFlorida Obesity Report Card
PI: The OneFlorida Obesity Workgroup
Study Staff: Stephanie Filipp

Funding Source: OneFlorida Internal Funding

Abstract: The prevalence of overweight and obesity has increased rapidly over the past 30 years. Nationally current data shows that nearly 1 in 3 children, and 2 in 3 adults, are overweight or have obesity. In an era where healthcare expenditures continue to increase year-over-year and at a rate generally greater than inflation, additional attention is focused on obesity as a driver of these costs. Health care systems, state and federal government currently seek a better understanding of obesity rates not only in the population at large, but also among patients who actively consume health care. Publicly available population level data sources such as the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), or the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), among others, have limitations such as self-report bias, or a lack of abundant state-level data to draw strong conclusions regarding the true distribution of obesity across Florida. The availability of data in the OneFlorida data trust is expansive, and provides detailed demographic information allowing for many different views of rates of obesity and will address this gap in knowledge by providing one source which spans the state with significant data from our partners. This knowledge would be valuable to OneFlorida stakeholders and population health scientists.  The scope of data in the OneFlorida network will allow us to analyze geographic patterns of obesity rates in the state of Florida broken down in a variety of ways which can guide targeting interventions to the areas and individuals of greatest need, and modeling the future state of healthcare in Florida.

This proposal is to utilize biomedical “Big Data” from children, adolescents and adults in the OneFlorida data trust to investigate the secular trends in obesity from 2012 to 2015 by examining the rates of patients with obesity from participating health care systems. General study specific aims include: 1) Calculate the rate of patients with obesity who have received care within the OneFlorida network by county as well as characterizing this data by age group, sex, and racial/ethnic group; 2) examine the differences in the rates of patients with obesity; and 3) explore similar relationships for patients with obesity and other important comorbidities including hypertension, hyperglycemia and asthma.

OneFlorida Partner Sites

Florida Hospital
Obesity Action Coalition
University of Florida

OneFlorida Partners

Published Papers and Presentations

  • Coming soon

Contact Information

For more information please contact Damian Alderman at celxius@ufl.edu.